Los beneficios de tomar cerveza - Beer Sapiens

Hello friend Beer Sapiens! The other day, chatting with friends, we came to the conclusion that despite the fact that this last year we have had many restrictions (which we all know), our beer consumption has not decreased. On the contrary, even at the height of the pandemic, remember how beers sold out in supermarkets, right after toilet paper and before yeast?

But what is undeniable is that we have changed our way of drinking a bit. As with many things that we used to do quite inertia until now, the change in our routines has made us pay more attention to the details. Perhaps before we used to sit on a terrace and drink several beers without really noticing what we were drinking. Now, we have more time and also, sometimes, more loneliness. And we appreciate more the quality of the product and the moment.

Los benefícios de tomar cerveza

So today we are going to get serious, and to put an end to any doubts you may have about beer consumption, I will tell you about some benefits (supported by studies) that this drink has:

1. Beer is nutritious

Due to its ingredients, beer is a healthy food. Jesús Román Martínez, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid and president of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences (Sedca) says: “Beer is a traditional drink that, in addition to providing certain nutritional and non-nutritive substances, is a source of water for the body ”. Román also indicates that it contains different nutritional substances such as group B vitamins (particularly folic acid stands out) and contains a slight percentage of carbohydrates (maltodextrin) and alcohol. t5>

La cerveza es nutritiva

2. Improve memory

A group of scientists from the University of Georgia published a study in June 2020, in which they found that beer consumption can improve cognitive health. The study took place in the United States and included the participation of just over 11,000 people who drank beer frequently but without abusing it (up to half a liter a week). The results showed that there was an improvement in memory-related functions.

3. Reduces the risk of diabetes

In the last decade, studies have appeared showing that moderate beer consumption influences the prevention and control of diabetes, as well as the evolution of its complications.

The document Preventive and protective effect of moderate beer consumption on diabetes mellitus prepared by the Spanish Diabetes Society explains this relationship: “Beer components such as soluble fiber , polyphenolic compounds, minerals and low alcohol content act on the mechanisms and processes that trigger diabetes and its complications; as long as its consumption is moderate”.

4. Reduces the risk of kidney stones

The National Institute of Public Health in Helsinki, Finland, conducted a study involving 27,000 middle-aged men. The conclusion they reached was that if you drink a beer a day, you reduce the risk of kidney stones by 40%.

5. Strengthens the bones

Researchers at the Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center in Massachusetts found a positive association between beer and better bone health.

Ingredients such as silicon, which promotes bone density and prevents bone loss, or phytoestrogens, associated with the improvement of menopause symptoms and the prevention of osteoporosis

6. Fewer infections in women

According to a study carried out on healthy adults by the Cold Institute of the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), drinking beer moderately for a month improves the immune system, especially in women.

Cerveza es menos infecciones en mujeres

7. Beer lowers bad cholesterol.

According to the American Heart Association, the soluble fiber in beer can help reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Increasing your intake of soluble fiber has numerous health benefits, including promoting healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. However, because alcohol interferes with the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, it can also decrease the body's ability to burn stored fat.

8. No to the ‘beer belly’

Beer consumption has been associated with increased abdominal fat for years, ie, the beer belly of a lifetime. However, various studies point out that there is no evidence to prove it, as indicated by the Beer and Health Information Center.

It should not be forgotten that the caloric content of beer is low: a 200 ml beer is equivalent to 90 kcal and if it is non-alcoholic, the figure is reduced to an average of 34 kcal/200 ml.

No a la ‘barriga cervecera’

So, my friend Beer Sapiens, enjoy a good craft beer in moderation and without regrets!!

  • Keep in mind that this publication is not a medical recommendation, it is information based on world studies with the aim of promoting more content about the world of beer. For personal care, please seek information from your doctor.

Sources: Traveler, Agenciasinc.es

Author: Laura García de Lucas



Elina Brooks

Elina Brooks

It caught my interest when you said that drinking beer can help lower bad cholesterol and promote healthy blood sugar because of the soluble fibers found in beer. Speaking of beer, I’m going to Nairobi with friends next week and I wanted to try the nightlife there. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for night life bars in the area that I can check out while I’m there. https://www.tusker.beer/

Anna Collins

Anna Collins

I never would have thought that drinking beer can help reduce the risk of diabetes as long as consumption is kept at a moderate level. My family has a history of getting diabetes, so I was wondering if it would be bad for me to drink beer. I’ll be sure to remember this while I look for a beer wholesaler to contact soon. https://www.classicbrandsoh.com

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