Beer Sapiens en entrevista con Sandra Lázaro: "Descubre la esencia de... Beer Sapiens" - Beer Sapiens

A couple of months ago we met Sandra Lázaro on social networks, a very creative Gastronomic Copywriter (as she defines herself), with easy talk and very educational content about artisan food/drinks.

Among so many exchanges of messages we have found her project "Discover the essence of ...", an opportunity for brands to humanize their companies, talk about their philosophy and explain a little more about the market where they are. So the opportunity came to us and last week we had the pleasure of being interviewed by Sandra. Below is the result of a rather fun and in-depth conversation about the soul of Beer Sapiens. We hope you enjoy it:

Beer sapiensEntrevista

1 comment

Sandra Lázaro - Copywriter

Sandra Lázaro - Copywriter

Muchas gracias por esta entrevista, chicos, fue muy interesante conocer un poquito más sobre el mundo cervecero y un placer charlar con vosotros de manera tan distendida.
Hasta la próxima ;)

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