Maridaje cervecero con sardinas #VeranoCervecero - Beer Sapiens
The #VeranoCervecero goes with SARDINES! Whether fried, grilled or baked with garlic and rosemary, this tasty and nutritious oily fish is...
Maridaje cervecero con sardinas #VeranoCervecero - Beer Sapiens
The #VeranoCervecero goes with SARDINES! Whether fried, grilled or baked with garlic and rosemary, this tasty and nutritious oily fish is...
¿Qué son las cervezas sin gluten? - Beer Sapiens
One of the things that is clearest to us at Beer Sapiens is our mission: we want to motivate beer lovers to get to know and enjoy the wor...
TOP 10 IPAs para sorprenderte - Beer Sapiens
After so many beer stories, technical information, pairing suggestions, etc, we have prepared a selection of different India Pale Ale ...
Maridando IPAs con quesos - Beer Sapiens
This month we are very focused on one of the styles that we like the most, the IPA beers. In previous articles we have discussed the ori...
¡IPA, una gran familia cervecera! - Beer Sapiens
With all the growth in the consumption of IPAs and their thousands of different (and creative) ways of elaboration, we would say that t...
De cervezas con Pau, Co-Fundador y Maestro Cervecero de la Cervecera Yakka - Beer Sapiens
¿Cuándo surgieron las IPAs? - Beer Sapiens

When did IPAs emerge?

To begin our explanation of the origin of IPAs, we need to first clarify a terminological definition important so that no one gets confu...
IPA: el amargor más rico - Beer Sapiens
India Pale Ale, the beer style that is popularly "in the mouth" of many who appreciate a good craft beer, either out of affinity because ...
De cervezas con Marta, Fundadora de la Cervecera AleAlé | Collaboration Brew Day - Beer Sapiens