Estilo Dry Stout o Iris Stout: vida más allá de la Guinness - Beer Sapiens
Hello friend Beer Sapiens! In our previous article we told you many interesting things about the Dry Stout style, those black beers that ...
Estilo Dry Stout o Iris Stout: vida más allá de la Guinness - Beer Sapiens
Hello friend Beer Sapiens! In our previous article we told you many interesting things about the Dry Stout style, those black beers that ...
¿Qué es una Dry Stout? - Beer Sapiens

What is a Dry Stout?

At Beer Sapiens we continue with our objective of bringing beer culture to all audiences, in a fun and accessible way. And for this we a...
Beer Sapiens en Busca Birras, el nuevo buscador de cervezas artesanas - Beer Sapiens
We are in BUSCA BIRRAS , the Google Maps of craft beer with more than 2,600 local craft. To download the new craft beer search engine ...
¿Por qué se bebe cerveza en San Patricio? - Beer Sapiens
The feast of Saint Patrick is very well known. We have all seen the famous parade, with green as the main color and a lot of beer, in tel...
Cervezas negras: Baltic Porter - Beer Sapiens

Black beers: Baltic Porter

We continue our beer education series to tell you all about your favorite styles, or the ones you barely know the name of. On this occasi...
Beer Sapiens en Ecommerce News Magazine Nº48 - Beer Sapiens
We have appeared in Ecommerce News Magazine! We talked about our career in the beer world, the growth of our online store and the new ch...
¿Qué es el estilo American Porter? - Beer Sapiens
The month of January is perfect for black beers. We already told you on our Instagram account that the friends of  @garagarbeers had crea...
¿A qué sabe una Porter? - Beer Sapiens
In our previous post we mentioned that, although beer is traditionally associated with summer and quenching the heat, many recipes were ...
El estilo Porter: el padre de las cervezas negras - Beer Sapiens
The official Service of the State Meteorological Agency for time and climate, known by friends as AEMET , has warned us that a cold front...