Cerveza 20 del Calendario de Adviento HAPPY HOPPY DAYS - Beer Sapiens
🔔 SPOILERS! 🍺 Beer 20 of the Happy Hoopy Days Advent Calendar :
We have a second beer from Espiga, because they are very popular. OF COURSE! A Berliner Weisse, a style of German wheat beer described by Napoleon as the Champagne of the North for having fine bubbles and a pale yellowish color. This one in particular has a peach aroma, so we have a fruity aroma beer, in the mouth it combines acidity and freshness, followed by the delicate sweetness of the peach that is balanced with the nuances generated by the wheat flakes and the Lactobacillus yeast. Chok dee! สุขภาพ

*Health in Thai
Calendario de adviento

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