YES! We continue with the Online Tastings in collaboration with the beer sommeliers team of Momentos Cervecero. For those who could not participate in our experience in February, or for those who want to repeat (of course), here we have a new tasting with different beers for the month of MARCH.
We have prepared a selection of craft beers that range from tradition to the most trendy of the beer world, all made in Spain, to that we continue to support our local independent craft brewers.
The Incredible Shrinking Man: This is a Fruit IPA with a translucent yellow color and a thick crown of white foam, of the people of Malaga Bonvivant:
- On the palate it leaves a soft bitterness, with hints of tropical fruits. This is a very light and easy to drink beer.
- Aroma with notes of tropical fruits especially passion fruit.
Technical Information:
- ABV (Alcohol content) normal: 5.2%
- IBU (International Bitterness Unit) normal bitterness: 32
Bag: uan American Amber Ale-style beer, usually known for being a modern style and well balanced between sweetness and bitterness. This one in particular is copper in color with reddish rims, bright and with a prominent and creamy foam. An ingenious proposal from Alicante residents of Althaia.
A fresh beer, but with a lot of body, with a balance between the freshness provided by the hops and the sweetness of the caramel malts.
Fruity and tropical aromas such as papaya and passion fruit in balance with caramel malt notes.
Silver Medal: Barcelona Beer Challenge 2020;
- Bronze Medal: Barcelona Beer Challenge 2019
Technical Information:
ABV (Alcohol content) normal: 5.7%
- IBU (International Bitterness Unit) normal bitterness: 30
Belgian Dubbel: eThis beer is the expression of the tradition and history of beer. Its production process is the same as that followed by the abbots of the fifteenth century. It is made with 5 different varieties of wheat and malt, by the Valencians Castrum.
- Beer with a toasted color and reddish reflections with brown and creamy foam, citrus and floral aroma thanks to coriander.
- On the palate its density of body is noticeable and intermingles with bitter flavors from the hops and sweet nuances thanks to the know-how of the abbots for centuries.
Technical Information:
- ABV (Alcohol content) mean: 6.2%
- IBU (International Bitterness Unit) low bitterness: 23
Gourmet: an Imperial Stout with pure chocolate, coconut and marshmallows.An authentic liquid dessert without being excessive, made by the people of Madrid from Peninsula
Technical Information:
- ABV (Alcohol content) high: 9.5%
- IBU (International Bitterness Unit) normal bitterness: 40
- Day: March 26
- Time option 1: at 7pm
- Time option 2: at 9:30 p.m.
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