La Escuela Cervecera Inglesa: historia y curiosidades - Beer Sapiens
Today we come to tell you a little more about the history of one of the oldest Brewing Schools: the English one. The brewing tradition i...
TOP 10 IPAs para sorprenderte - Beer Sapiens
After so many beer stories, technical information, pairing suggestions, etc, we have prepared a selection of different India Pale Ale ...
Maridando IPAs con quesos - Beer Sapiens
This month we are very focused on one of the styles that we like the most, the IPA beers. In previous articles we have discussed the ori...
¿Cuándo surgieron las IPAs? - Beer Sapiens

When did IPAs emerge?

To begin our explanation of the origin of IPAs, we need to first clarify a terminological definition important so that no one gets confu...
IPA: el amargor más rico - Beer Sapiens
India Pale Ale, the beer style that is popularly "in the mouth" of many who appreciate a good craft beer, either out of affinity because ...