Te presentamos las cervezas aragonesas de la Suscripción España Cervecera del mes de Octubre - Beer Sapiens
The beers of the Spain Cervecera Subscription for the month of October come from Aragón:
Te presentamos las cervezas aragonesas de la Suscripción España Cervecera del mes de Octubre - Beer Sapiens
The beers of the Spain Cervecera Subscription for the month of October come from Aragón:
#Episodio3 - España Cervecera con Nacho Gabrielli, Co-fundador de la Cervecera Bonvivant - Beer Sapiens
"It's up to us to do a brutal job of education, it's up to the little ones to try to educate everyone" In our third interview with Españ...
Oktoberfest: todo lo que debes saber y algunas curiosidades extra - Beer Sapiens
If you want to go one day to the well-known Munich festival, or simply surprise your friends with your knowledge about it, here are some ...
Entrevista especial con Información Gastronómica: retos del mercado cervecero - Beer Sapiens
We have participated in the series of interviews of the online newspaper Informacion Gastronómica, with the prestigious journalist Santi ...
#Episodio2 - España Cervecera con Alejandro Díaz, director de Cervezas Califa - Beer Sapiens
"If we have managed to get the IPAs (so herbaceous that at first people are shocked) to be fashionable, why not also bet on more acidic...
Beer Sapiens habla sobre Maridaje Cervecero en la Radio Nacional de España - RNE - Beer Sapiens
We have appeared on Radio Nacional de España - RNE! In the report we talk about beer pairing (with our pairing courses in collabora...
Oktoberfest: 200 años de festival - Beer Sapiens
In 1910, the Oktoberfest celebrated its 100th anniversary with the consumption of 120,000 liters of beer, a true record! However, to this...
#Episodio1 - España Cervecera con Beltran Viguera, Co-fundador de la Cervecera Guadalquibeer - Beer Sapiens
"Our goal is to culturalize craft beer, offering the market balanced, accessible and high-quality beers" We begin our series of intervi...
¡Descubre la España Cervecera! - Beer Sapiens

Discover Beer Spain!

The act of "discovering" is a continuous work, it is to begin to know something that was unknown, or that was not yet known... and with ...