Cómo catar una cerveza en 5 pasos - Beer Sapiens
You love craft beers: their very special flavors, their textures, their aromas… even their cool names and labels! But sometimes you get t...
¿Qué es la cerveza artesana? - Beer Sapiens

What is craft beer?

How good Beersapiens you are, we are sure you know how to value a good recipe craftt of beer. Even, that when choosing what to drink, on ...
Un vaso perfecto para cada cerveza - Beer Sapiens
The great Comidista says that drinking beer is not the same as tasting beer. But what is clear is our beer culture, in general, does not ...
¿Cuándo surgieron las IPAs? - Beer Sapiens

When did IPAs emerge?

To begin our explanation of the origin of IPAs, we need to first clarify a terminological definition important so that no one gets confu...
15 términos cerveceros que debes conocer - Beer Sapiens
Before, ordering beer was easy. You sat on a terrace and the biggest drama was deciding if you wanted a beer or a bottle. And always ver...
Una Porter para el solsticio de invierno - Beer Sapiens
I'm going to tell you a secret: a few years ago I knew very little about craft beers. Little more than what the waiters explained to you...
¿De qué está hecha la cerveza? - Beer Sapiens

What is beer made of?

Regardless of whether you are just starting out in the craft beer world or if you are already a beer sapiens*, it is important for all of...
Top 5 consejos para conservar tus cervezas - Beer Sapiens
Everyone beer sapiens loves to take good care of their craft beers, whether they are the recurring beers we buy to enjoy with friends, or...