Las claves para maridar cervezas artesanales - Beer Sapiens
Pairing craft beers. The truth is that it sounds very technical and complicated. But, did you know that in the same way that wines are p...
Maridar arroz y cerveza artesana #VeranoCervecero - Beer Sapiens
The #VeranoCervecero pairs with PAELLA! In the end, rice and beer is one of the most perfect combinations there is and they are present a...
Maridando IPAs con quesos - Beer Sapiens
This month we are very focused on one of the styles that we like the most, the IPA beers. In previous articles we have discussed the ori...
Maridaje cervecero para la cena de navidad - Beer Sapiens
We want to propose that you surprise your guests with a lunch or dinner paired with craft beer. Beer is a great companion to enhance fla...