¿Qué es la cerveza artesana? - Beer Sapiens

What is craft beer?

How good Beersapiens you are, we are sure you know how to value a good recipe craftt of beer. Even, that when choosing what to drink, on ...
¿Qué es la cerveza artesana? - Beer Sapiens

What is craft beer?

How good Beersapiens you are, we are sure you know how to value a good recipe craftt of beer. Even, that when choosing what to drink, on ...
¿Sabías que la espuma es la parte más aromática de la cerveza? - Beer Sapiens
The foam of the beer is the most aromatic part, so during a beer tasting the first step is to smell it freshly served so as not to miss i...
Los mejores maridajes con cerveza para el verano - Beer Sapiens
Summer is here and without a doubt, it is the time of the year in which the most beers are drunk. According to data from Cerveceros de Es...
Un vaso perfecto para cada cerveza - Beer Sapiens
The great Comidista says that drinking beer is not the same as tasting beer. But what is clear is our beer culture, in general, does not ...
8 cervezas artesanas gallegas sorprendentes - Beer Sapiens
In July we went to Galicia on our return to Spain Brewery Subscription, a region known worldwide for the traveling spirit of its inhabita...
Cervezas de verano: 4 estilos muy refrescantes - Beer Sapiens
Some beer consumers associate craft beers more with winter, perhaps because the best-known styles of the craft movement (IPA, Imperial St...
Las 8 mejores cervezas artesanas manchegas 2022 - Beer Sapiens
January brings us a selection for the Spain Beer Subscription from one of the most emblematic and well-known regions of Spain for being t...
Celebra el Día de Star Wars con cervezas - Beer Sapiens
Surely you know that today, May 4th, we celebrate Star Wars Day. Star Wars Day is a day in which fans of the saga created by George Lucas...
Las 8 mejores cervezas artesanas valencianas 2022 - Beer Sapiens
Land of sun, beaches and an envied gastronomy with one of the best known dishes in the world such as paella. The Valencian Community is a...